Wednesday, May 30, 2012

4 videos and 1 Archnemesis

That's right.
Archnemesis with a CAPITAL A. Oooooh this girl has no idea what nasty passive aggressive-ness I can serve up. But more on that later.

This past weekend, I experienced my first Sports Day. Sports Day is traditionally celebrated in September but for the elementary schools, it is celebrated in May. These kids have been practicing for the past two weeks and it was so exciting to see them perform. The parents oohed and ahhed like good parents do. I captured some pictures, but let's be honest, videos are more exciting.

Ok, before I post any videos... Here is my official statement: I know I am a terrible videographer. I knowww. But I promise I'll get better. Well, I'll try to get better.

First: The Big Ball Race
These are the second graders. Pretty much the cutest little pumpkins... The object is pretty simple: be the first team to push the GIANT ball around the pole and back. I missed videoing it, but the ball literally rolled over some of the kids. Some kids ran into the ball and were knocked onto their backs. All in all, good fun and laughs all around
Second: "Shake Shake" dance + ball toss
Ok, if you haven't figured it out... I don't know the official name for these games. I'm kinda just making it up. You get the point. So I lied. THESE are the cutest little bumpkins ever. Yep, bumpkins. They did a little dance. It involves shaking. Anddd then they toss their balls into a basket. Super cute, and worth the 30 seconds you're about to spend watching it.

Third: Traditional Okinawa Dance
These are the second graders. About 200 of them. Doing a choreographed dance. Uhhhh yeah, try getting 200  American kids to do the same seven minute dance? Yah right.
Plus, my great grandmother is from Okinawa (where my quarter-Japanese/Okinawan comes from). Figured it was good stuff to post.

Lastly: The Tower
The fifth and sixth graders practiced this every day during my prep. And slowly, over the weeks, I noticed more and more of my students coming in with casts on their arms. This stuff is insane. The parents in America would never let this kind of thing fly. And yeah, if my kid came home with a broken arm, I'd be in the same boat.

Well I've blabbered on enough for one post. Check out the post why hello, Archnemesis for the juicy deets on my new opponent.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun sports day, with dance.
